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Text File | 1994-11-01 | 8.2 KB | 303 lines | [TEXT/MPS ] |
- !!MP inlines.f
- program hotlis
- c
- c Hotlist2HTML
- c
- c Reads a NCSA Mosaic (up from V. 1.0.2) Hotlist or a MacWeb Hotlist
- c and generates a HTML page from it. By default, the HTML Output is sorted
- c lexigraphically according to the Hotlist menu titles - but sorting
- c may be optionally suppressed. The HTML output is written to a user
- c selectable file.
- c
- c Compilation of this program requires the Language Systems Fortran 3.0
- c compiler or a later Version, running under MPW 3.2.3.
- c Furthermore, System 7 Toolbox routines are called.
- c
- c Lutz Weimann Version 0.7.2 1.11.94
- c
- implicit none
- c
- !!I Standardfile.f
- c
- integer outunit
- parameter (outunit=20)
- integer MaxListLength
- parameter(MaxListLength=1000)
- c
- Integer ActualListLength, Mode
- string*8 HTMLBrowser
- integer*2 refnum, vRefNum, err
- pointer /ptr/ menuh, urlsh, hotlisth
- record /SFTypeList/ MyTypes
- record /StandardFileReply/ ReplyRecord
- string*255 HotlistName, thestring
- string*255 Menu(MaxListLength), URLs(MaxListLength)
- c
- call InitialAboutBox(Mode)
- c
- MyTypes.OSTy(0)='HOTL'
- MyTypes.OSTy(1)='HLST'
- Call StandardGetFile(nil,Int2(2),MyTypes,ReplyRecord)
- if (.not.ReplyRecord.sfGood) stop 'Hotlist selection canceled!'
- HotlistName = ReplyRecord.sfFile.name
- c
- refnum = FSpOpenResfile(ReplyRecord.sfFile,Int1(1))
- if (ResError().ne.0) stop 'OpenResfile: Cannot open Hotlist!'
- c
- call UseResFile(refnum)
- if (ResError().ne.0) stop 'UseResFile failed!'
- c
- if (ReplyRecord.sfType.F .eq. 'HOTL') then
- c
- HTMLBrowser='Mosaic'
- thestring = 'Menu'
- menuh = GetNamedResource('STR#',thestring)
- if (ResError().ne.0) stop 'Cant find STR# Resource Menu!'
- c
- thestring = 'URLs'
- urlsh = GetNamedResource('STR#',thestring)
- if (ResError().ne.0) stop 'Cant find STR# Resource URLs!'
- c
- call ReadInMosaicHotlist(%val(menuh^.p), %val(urlsh^.p),
- $ MaxListLength, Menu, URLs,
- $ ActualListLength)
- c
- else if (ReplyRecord.sfType.F .eq. 'HLST') then
- c
- HTMLBrowser='MacWeb'
- thestring = 'Hotlist'
- hotlisth = GetNamedResource('STR#',thestring)
- if (ResError().ne.0) stop 'Cant find STR# Resource Hotlist!'
- c
- call ReadInMacWebHotlist(%val(hotlisth^.p), MaxListLength,
- $ Menu, URLs, ActualListLength)
- c
- else
- stop 'Input file has an unknown type!'
- endif
- c
- if (Mode.eq.0) Call HotlistSort(ActualListLength, Menu, URLs)
- c
- call F_SetDefaultFileName (HotlistName//'.html')
- open (outunit,file=*'Save HTML page as:',status='new',
- $ creator='ttxt')
- c
- call WriteHTMLfile(outunit, HotlistName, ActualListLength,
- $ Menu, URLs, HTMLBrowser)
- c
- close(outunit)
- call CloseResFile(refnum)
- if (ResError().ne.0) stop 'CloseResFile failed!'
- end
- c
- c
- subroutine ReadInMosaicHotlist(Menu, URLs, MaxListLength,
- $ MenuStor, URLsStor, ActListLength)
- implicit none
- integer*1 Menu(*), URLs(*)
- integer MaxListLength, ActListLength
- string*255 MenuStor(MaxListLength), URLsStor(MaxListLength)
- c
- integer numMenu, numURLs, ptrMenu, ptrURLs, lMenu, lURLs,
- $ i, j, temp1, temp2
- character*255 CharMenuBuf, CharURLsBuf
- integer*1 IntMenuBuf(255), IntURLsBuf(255)
- equivalence (CharMenuBuf,IntMenuBuf), (CharURLsBuf,IntURLsBuf)
- character*255 Message
- c
- temp1 = Menu(1)
- if (temp1.lt.0) temp1=256+temp1
- temp2 = Menu(2)
- if (temp2.lt.0) temp2=256+temp2
- numMenu = temp1*256+temp2
- temp1 = URLs(1)
- if (temp1.lt.0) temp1=256+temp1
- temp2 = URLs(2)
- if (temp2.lt.0) temp2=256+temp2
- numURLs = temp1*256+temp2
- if (numMenu.ne.numURLs) then
- Message = 'Different number of menuitems and URLs found.'//
- $ 'I generate a list of the lower number length'
- call AlertBox(Message)
- endif
- ActListLength = min(numMenu, numURLs)
- if (ActListLength.gt.MaxListLength) then
- write(Message,1001) ActListLength, MaxListLength
- call AlertBox(Message)
- ActListLength = MaxListLength
- endif
- ptrMenu = 3
- ptrURLs = 3
- do i=1,ActListLength
- lMenu = Menu(ptrMenu)
- if (lMenu.lt.0) lMenu=256+lMenu
- do j=1,lMenu
- IntMenuBuf(j) = Menu(ptrMenu+j)
- enddo
- ptrMenu = ptrMenu+lMenu+1
- MenuStor(i) = CharMenuBuf(1:lMenu)
- lURLs = URLs(ptrURLs)
- if (lURLs.lt.0) lURLs=256+lURLs
- do j=1,lURLs
- IntURLsBuf(j) = URLs(ptrURLs+j)
- enddo
- ptrURLs = ptrURLs+lURLs+1
- URLsStor(i) = CharURLsBuf(1:lURLs)
- enddo
- return
- c
- 1001 format('Your Hotlist has ',i4,' entries - too much for me.',
- $ 'Only the first ',i4,' entries are converted to HTML')
- end
- c
- c
- subroutine ReadInMacWebHotlist(Hotlist, MaxListLength,
- $ MenuStor, URLsStor, ActListLength)
- implicit none
- integer*1 Hotlist(*)
- integer MaxListLength, ActListLength
- string*255 MenuStor(MaxListLength), URLsStor(MaxListLength)
- c
- integer numItems, ptrMenu, ptrURLs, lMenu, lURLs,
- $ i, j, temp1, temp2
- character*255 CharMenuBuf, CharURLsBuf
- integer*1 IntMenuBuf(255), IntURLsBuf(255)
- equivalence (CharMenuBuf,IntMenuBuf), (CharURLsBuf,IntURLsBuf)
- character*255 Message
- c
- temp1 = Hotlist(1)
- if (temp1.lt.0) temp1=256+temp1
- temp2 = Hotlist(2)
- if (temp2.lt.0) temp2=256+temp2
- numItems = temp1*256+temp2
- ActListLength = NumItems/2
- if (ActListLength*2.ne.NumItems) then
- Message = 'Inconsistent number of menu titles and URLs '//
- $ 'in the MacWeb Hotlist. Something may be '//
- $ 'missed within the HTML output.'
- call AlertBox(Message)
- endif
- if (ActListLength.gt.MaxListLength) then
- write(Message,1001) ActListLength, MaxListLength
- call AlertBox(Message)
- ActListLength = MaxListLength
- endif
- ptrMenu = 3
- do i=1,ActListLength
- lMenu = Hotlist(ptrMenu)
- if (lMenu.lt.0) lMenu=256+lMenu
- do j=1,lMenu
- IntMenuBuf(j) = Hotlist(ptrMenu+j)
- enddo
- ptrURLs = ptrMenu+lMenu+1
- MenuStor(i) = CharMenuBuf(1:lMenu)
- lURLs = Hotlist(ptrURLs)
- if (lURLs.lt.0) lURLs=256+lURLs
- do j=1,lURLs
- IntURLsBuf(j) = Hotlist(ptrURLs+j)
- enddo
- ptrMenu = ptrURLs+lURLs+1
- URLsStor(i) = CharURLsBuf(1:lURLs)
- enddo
- return
- c
- 1001 format('Your Hotlist has ',i4,' entries - too much for me.',
- $ 'Only the first ',i4,' entries are converted to HTML')
- end
- c
- c
- subroutine WriteHTMLfile(outunit, HotlistFileName, ActualListLength,
- $ Menu, URLs, HTMLBrowser)
- implicit none
- integer outunit
- string*255 HotlistFileName
- integer ActualListLength
- string*255 Menu(ActualListLength), URLs(ActualListLength)
- string*8 HTMLBrowser
- c
- string*255 Message
- character*9 datestring
- integer i
- c
- write(outunit,1001) HotlistFileName, HotlistFileName
- do i=1,ActualListLength
- write(outunit,1002) URLs(i), Menu(i)
- enddo
- call date(datestring)
- write(outunit,1003) HTMLBrowser, HotlistFileName, datestring
- return
- c
- 1001 format('<TITLE>',a,'</TITLE>',/,'<H1>',a,'</H1>','<UL>')
- 1002 format('<LI> <A HREF="',a,'">',a,'</A>')
- 1003 format('</UL>',/,'<ADDRESS>Generated from ',a,'-Hotlist ',a,
- $ ' at ',a,'</ADDRESS>',/)
- end
- c
- c
- Subroutine HotlistSort(ActualListLength, Menu, URLs)
- implicit none
- c
- c A simple (and not most quick) sort routine.
- c Sorts the Hotlist lexically according to the names of the MenuItems.
- c
- integer ActualListLength
- string*255 Menu(ActualListLength), URLs(ActualListLength)
- c
- string*255 MenuLow, URLsLow
- integer i,j,indexLow
- c
- do i=1,ActualListLength-1
- MenuLow = Menu(i)
- indexLow = i
- do j=i+1,ActualListLength
- if (Menu(j).lt.MenuLow) then
- MenuLow = Menu(j)
- indexLow = j
- endif
- enddo
- URLsLow = URLs(indexLow)
- Menu(indexLow) = Menu(i)
- URLs(indexLow) = URLs(i)
- Menu(i) = MenuLow
- URLs(i) = URLsLow
- enddo
- return
- end
- c
- c
- Subroutine InitialAboutBox(Mode)
- implicit none
- integer Mode
- c
- !!I Dialogs.f
- !!I Events.f
- c
- integer*2 AboutDialogID
- parameter (AboutDialogID=32002)
- c
- record /EventRecord/ theEvent
- record /DialogRecord/ AboutDialog
- record /DialogPtr/ AboutDialogPtr
- integer*2 itemhit
- logical status
- c
- call InitDialogs(nil)
- AboutDialogPtr = GetNewDialog(AboutDialogID, %ref(AboutDialog), -1)
- c
- do while (.not.GetNextEvent(mDownMask,theEvent))
- if (GetNextEvent(updateMask,theEvent)) then
- if (.not.IsDialogEvent(theEvent)) cycle
- status = DialogSelect(theEvent,%ref(AboutDialogPtr),%ref(itemhit))
- endif
- enddo
- C Mode = 0: Shift key not pressed; Mode=1: Shift key pressed
- Mode = IAND(theEvent.modifiers,Z'200')
- if (Mode.ne.0) Mode=1
- call DisposDialog(AboutDialogPtr)
- return
- end